Monday, November 22, 2010

A few things I've learned while being a nanny.

  • saying "you have 5 minutes" doesn't always mean they have 5 minutes.
  • falling asleep on the couch for 5 minutes after putting the baby down will happen.
  • makeup looks flawless at the beginning of the day but not at the end of the day.
  • you'll never really know why you're so tired at the end of the day.
  • it's fun to teach the baby to say words until you hear the same word over and over and over and over.... like the word dog or Halie.
  • somehow just going for a drive in the country with the baby makes everything okay.
  • saying to yourself "I could never have kids without Christ" becomes "I could never come to work without Christ." 
  • going for a walk becomes a whole lot slower... 
  • you have to close the microwave over before pushing start in order for it to work.
  • some tantrums will last over 45 minutes. 
more to come...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Nerf Gun War Domination!

I'm staying with the Koch boys for the next few days until Drew and Sara return from their adventures in NC.
Today started off normal.
Grayson yelled "Hay-yay home as I walked in the door."
Sara ran around trying to leave.
They left.
Hudson asked me to play catch... he told me it was good excercise so we should play everyday.
I turned on the Purdue game.
Fed Grayson.
Put Grayson down for nap.
The boys watched a little bit of the game then began playing DS.
They began fighting over something.
Shoved Hudson outside and told him I would meet him soon for catch.
Hunter watched the end of the Purdue game (Michigan St. won 35-31 last 5 minutes of the game)
I played catch with Hudson. It's also his time to vent about what's going on at school and whatever else he needs to vent about.
After awhile Hudson decided we were done playing.
Came inside.
Went downstairs had a nerf war.
Even though they won't admit it... I won.
After that victory I decided it was time to start thinking about dinner.
Decided on pizza.
Realized I didn't have any yeast here to make dough.
So I made dough without yeast.
Turned on the Ohio State game.
Pizza turned out well...
Hudson said to me "Halie, I don't like the pizza. It just tastes funny but I appreciate that you made it. Thank you."
Melted my heart.
I agreed with him though. It did taste funny. It was the sauce.
The sauce was sweet.
Ohio St. wasn't doing to well.
I didn't make the sauce, found some in the pantry.
Ran around with Gray for a long time.
Tyrell Pryor got sacked.... couldn't believe it.
Read a book that I know by heart to Grayson so I could continue to watch the game.
Gave Gray a bath... continued to watch the game.
Dressed the boy and got back in time to finish the game.
Ohio State pulled through literally the last minute of the game with a win of 20-17.
Sent boys downstairs to play.
Put Gray in bed.
Frick it's only 7 o'clock.
Welp... here we are.

Friday, November 19, 2010

My day, as of today.

My morning started off late... happens.
When I got to work I made myself breakfast.
Hunter watched and questioned my every move, best part of the morning.
Hudson screamed at Grayson about not touching his legos.
Grayson screamed back.
Went downstairs.
Grayson looked at me and said "Hay-yay home. I hold you."
So, I picked him up. 
I asked Hudson to come upstairs and get get his shoes on.
Him and Grayson went up stairs to get socks.
Grayson came down with a small cup. 
I'm still not sure if he got it from the garbage or the drawer in the boys bathroom.
Hunter hit Hudson in the face.
While I held Hudson back and tried to push him out the door Grayson was using his new found cup to drink from Sugars water bowl.
When I looked at Sugar's water bowl I could see saliva floating on top.
Normally that doesn't bother me but knowing that Grayson was basically drinking Sugar's saliva grossed me out.
Better him than me.
Hunter missed the bus.
Took Hunter to school.
Went to my house because I forgot something.
Left my house... but not before I dug into my stash of donuts.
Drove back to work to quickly grab juice.
Grayson and I went to P-I-T.
Had fun.
Got coffee with Sarah.
Nearly dropped Grayson on his head. Happens.
Talked with Sarah.
Went to Campus House to dropped off my forgotten thing.
Went home.
Gray ate "rhonies"
I made chili... it was good this time.
Put Gray down for nap. 
Read my bible and ate chili.
Sat by the fire.
Got sleepy.
Decided to blog.
Gray just woke up. 

It was nice talking to you.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Cheese Crackers...

Have stolen my stomach...