Monday, August 22, 2011

State Fair.

Yesterday was my birthday and I decided that after I got morning chores done and went to church I wanted to go to the fair. So I did and it was probably the best time I've had in a long time. I saw part of a sheep show, a kid playing with his trucks in the dirt in his wranglers and cowboy boots, swine auction, more men in wranglers and cowboy boots and hats than I've seen in a long time (one of the best parts of the day), some lambs, puppy for sale :) which in turn made me want a puppy. I saw all kinds of great things. It makes me miss the days of showing. Those were long days but fun and worth it :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I'm usually absolutely sure...

that God just wants the worst for me all the time.
It's not true of course but how do you change such thinking?
Read your bible and get truth in your brain... I hate when I ask questions and then almost immediately I know the answer but I swear I didn't know the answer yesterday when I was asking myself the same question.