Thursday, January 14, 2010

"I"m having barfeque for lunch"

So... nannying... its fun. A whole new level of stress though. Today actually wasn't that bad. I was able to get Gray to take a nap and a half of a nap. He seems a lot more comfortable with me and I with him. He's really sweet and has the best smile. It basically takes over his face. I will admit I wasn't quite ready to surrender my whole day to this little guy. I usually work out when he naps but the other day he didn't nap so I wasn't really able to work out and that's fine, it just hit me though that my day is going to vary from day to day.
On another note the other day I was reading through a devotional book I went through in high school and the first one I read hit me like a rock. It basically talked about our commitment to Christ and how when we are in faith we will give up or do anything just to get closer to Christ without hesitation. I know I had that at one time. Another thing I was thinking about today was the question many people and christians especially ask is "why did this happen to me?" Well as Christians, the people that have the Creator, ultimate healer, lover, friend, Father inside of us, shouldn't we be asking "why shouldn't this happen to me??" We have everything we need, we are able to conquer whatever comes our way. Further more whatever pain is caused or damage done Christ is able to use for His kingdom and His glory and that is what we live for. We live for Him. It's confusing and hard to take pain or whatever happened and turn it towards Christ and work through it until the end. Whether the end being a couple of days or months or years or until He returns. Either way, yes Christ protects us and loves us but that doesn't keep us from harm. It's easy to believe the lie once we've been hurt that Christ has betrayed us. We project whatever hurt someone else has bestowed upon us onto the Lord when He allowed us to feel pain.

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. - 2 Tim. 4:7
This verse almost hurts me to read because I feel like I haven't always kept my faith and when I see Christ I want Him to reference this verse and inform me that I did do this. Of course I can't do it perfectly but I want to keep fighting and I want to keep my faith until the end. 

It was nice talking to you.