Friday, May 27, 2011

Things I hear.

Maggie: Grayson you need to sit on you bottom.
Grayson: I've been sitting all day.

Halie: Grayson when will you use the potty?
Grayson: I have a diaper.
Halie: you should use the potty though.
Grayson: HALIE. I'm only two. (holds up 3 fingers)
Halie: Ya you should start using the potty. You're a big boy.
Grayson: oh… (ponders what I've just said and the discussion was dropped)

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Have you ever seen something on this earth and thought about how that whatever it is won't be in heaven and you're slightly dissapointed? 
This one may not be for everyone but whatever.
Okay so here's my thinking... I have no idea what heaven is like but I know what earth is like. 
I like to sit outside, drink coffee and have sun pour over me. I like to listen to classical music and wear high heels. I like to be with friends and hold babies and cook and clean.... and I think... will I miss this in heaven? What will we do in heaven? It kind of scares me... Do you hear me God? I'm scared!
the thought of being in heaven "forever" scares me... I mean what is forever? That's a long time. What if I don't get into heaven? Like I try to do everything right down here but just can't quite do it? 
I'm not freaking out simply writing down thoughts I have... 
Honestly I think the thing being put before me now is to mentally give everything up on this earth and let myself become a stranger here.
Sure enjoy the sunlight, horses, music and friends but long more for Christ. It's not something that makes me sad it's something that makes me nervous because I know the things here and I don't know the things of heaven... if that makes sense. Either way.. be praying :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The things I hear...

"Yes Grayson..."
"I'm just a man. Sometimes I just got to work."

Isn't this adorable?